Payment Failure

Your Zena Card repayments can fail when your linked bank account balance is too low to pay the balance of your daily transactions.

When this happens, you will receive an alert via text message to ensure that you're aware of the failure.

If repayment fails during an auto-scheduled payment, we'll automatically try again the following day. If the payment has failed during a manual payment, you'll want to try again when your bank account balance meets the minimum to pay off your daily transactions.

If you've received our notification via text message that your payment has failed, you can:

  1. Transfer more funds into your bank account and retry the payment, or wait until the next business day when we automatically attempt to collect the funds.
  2. Log in to Zena and connect a different bank account to complete a manual payment.
  3. Wait until more funds are available in your bank account and complete a manual payment. 

Please note that your account could become disabled if multiple failures of repayment occur. 

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