Setting a Project Budget

A well-defined budget helps in allocating the necessary resources, including finances, personnel, equipment, and materials, for the successful execution of your design project. Zena helps you track each budget project by subtracting transactions against the total budget set when the project was created.

If you have not yet connected your business bank account(s) to track in Zena, you'll be prompted to Apply for the Zena Card to track your transactions automatically and/or connect your other business accounts to import external transactions.

Project Budgets

Before setting a budget, you'll want to ensure a project has been created and a budget is attached to it.

Set a project budget

If you were unable to add the budget at the time of creation, you can still set it in the project.

  1. Log in to Zena and navigate to Projects on the left navigation bar. Click on the project you'd like to edit to see the details. 

  1. Select Settings on the top of the project page to open up the details of the project.
  2. Scroll down to view the budget and select the edit icon to change the budget.
  3. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Budget Notifications

Once you've set your budget, Zena will begin tracking transaction amounts assigned to the project. As an admin, if you'd like to receive SMS notifications when a project is close to the set budget, head over to your company Settings page and select the Settings tab at the top. Scroll down to the Alert section to set the Low budget alert Notification settings to send when a budget is close to being reached.

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