Activating a Physical Card

Unlike virtual cards that are activated automatically on creation, you'll want to activate your physical Zena card once you receive it in the mail for security purposes.

Before ordering your Zena card, please fund your card by adding money from your connected bank account to your Zena balance.

Activate from your Zena Account

  1. Navigate to
  2. If you have ordered only one physical card, you’ll see that card appear with the option to activate it. Otherwise, find the physical card you’d like to activate in your list of available Zena cards and click “...” under the Last 4 of the card column to open the card details.

  3. To the right of the Card Status, select the Inactive dropdown button and select Activate.

  4. Enter the last four digits of the card number to complete the card activation.

Your card will now be activated and can be used immediately! 🎉

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