Change Account Password

Forgot your password? No problem. You can easily reset it using the following steps:

  1. Go to the Zena Log In page by opening your web browser, and navigating to, then select Forgot password. Alternatively, access the Password Reset page directly at
  2. Enter your email in the textbox when prompted to provide the email address associated with your Zena account.
  3. Check your email for a message from Zena containing a reset code. If it doesn't show up in your inbox within a few minutes, be sure to check your spam or junk mail folders.
  4. Follow the instructions in the email sent from Zena. Enter the provided code from the email into the Code textbox on the password reset page.
  5. After verifying the code, you'll be prompted to create and set a new password for your Zena account. Once you've entered your new password, click Set password.

Once you have reset your password, you'll be directed to the Zena login page to log in with your new password.

Reset your Password from Your Zena Account

If you're already logged into your Zena account and you would like to reset your password:

  1. Log in to Zena and click on your profile picture at the top right-hand side of your screen (or the Zena logo if you have not yet added a photo).
  2. Select Manage Profile.

  3. Scroll down to Change Password.

  4. Click Send code to initiate a verification code sent to the email address associated with your Zena account. 
  5. Enter the code you received via email into the Verification Code textbox.
  6. Type in your new password in the New password textbox and click Set password.

That's it! You've successfully reset your Zena account password. If you encounter any issues during the password reset process, don't hesitate to contact Zena Member Support for further assistance.

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