Tagging Transactions

Tagging transactions within your client projects allows you to organize and categorize your spend quickly. Whether you’d like to use tags to track room budgets within large projects or categorize spend for your records, we have you covered.

If you have not yet connected your business bank account(s) to track in Zena, you'll be prompted to Apply for the Zena Card to track your transactions automatically and/or connect your other business accounts to import external transactions.

In this article, we’ll go over how to set tags for each project, adding those tags to individual transactions, as well as how to use your tags to track spend.

Setting Project Tags

There are two types of tags currently available within Zena: Rooms Tags & Category Tags. You may set up these tags on a per-project basis, allowing you to control which tags are used within a project.

For instance, if you're working on a large home remodel that includes a kitchen, living room, and office, you can create specific tags for these areas within your Zena project. This way, whenever you make a purchase for the project, you can tag the transaction according to the room it pertains to, helping you track expenses clearly and manage your budget more effectively.

To start setting up your tags, you’ll first navigate to Project > your project > Settings and scroll down to the Tags section.

Use the Edit icon on the top right-hand corner of the tags module to start adding your Room Tags & Category tags.


You can set up as many categories as you’d like within a project. These categories help you organize your financial transactions in Zena as well as in QuickBooks, making it easier to track expenses, analyze spending patterns, and generate accurate financial reports. Additionally, they can help you with tax preparation and financial planning by providing a clear breakdown of expenses.

We provide a few suggested categories, such as paint, light fixtures, and flooring. Other example categories could include installation, supplies, travel expenses, hardware, fixtures, or professional services.

Add Spend Categories to your projects based on what spend you’d like to track. For example, do you want to know how much you’re spending on hardware or last-minute install day items? Spend categories will reveal a clear breakdown of these project expenses.

Tagging Transactions

Now that you have your Tags set within your project, you’re ready to start tagging your transactions. Once transactions are tagged correctly, you can easily see how much of your budget you are spending per room or category.

To get started tagging, navigate to Transactions within your project and select a transaction that you’d like to tag.

Scroll down in the menu to appear until you see Additional Information, and begin selecting from your project tags here:

Now that you’ve created your project tags and tagged your transactions, you’ll see your spend break down graphs appears in your projects (as shown below).

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