Organizing Transactions

Organizing Transactions

In order to keep yourself and your team members organized, Zena allows for Zena admins to set requirements within your account on a transaction level. Admins can require that receipts or memos are required depending on the purchase price.

Setting Requirements

In order to set requirements for your account you’ll go into the Settings area of your Zena account.

Once you confirm your settings these will be retroactive for all transactions within your account.

  1. Navigate to Settings on the left hand side of your Zena account.
  2. Click on “Settings” to view all project and transaction settings.
  3. Change your Transaction settings to reflect your policies. You can require a receipt or memo over a certain purchase price.

Please keep in mind that this will only alert yourself or your team member after a purchase has been completed to add the receipt or memo. It will not stop any purchases from going through.


Once you’ve set your Transaction settings to require a receipt and/or memo you’ll be alerted within your Transactions page of any transactions that need attention. If a transaction falls within the requirements you’ve set, they’ll appear on the organize tab with a countdown showing you how many require attention as shown below.

Continue to edit your transactions to add receipts and memos until the chart above shows no more transactions requiring your attention.

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