Application Status

When applying for Zena, your application might not get immediate approval, and you'll notice a specific status displayed in your Zena account once you've completed your application.

This guide explains the various application statuses you might encounter while applying for Zena:


Congratulations, your application for Zena has been approved! You're now ready to dive in. The next steps involve connecting your bank account as directed in the application flow. From here, you can start personalizing your account, order your physical card, create client projects, and begin adding team members.


Should your application not meet the criteria for Zena, it will be denied. However, we understand you might have questions or need clarification on this decision. Our Zena Member Support Team is on hand to provide insights into the reasons behind the denial and discuss potential next steps.


There are instances where your application enters a pending state, indicating that we're in the process of reviewing your application more thoroughly and may require additional information or documentation from you. This pending status will remain until our review is complete, at which point your application will either be approved or denied based on our findings.

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