Importing Client Payments and Income

With Zena, you can easily link your external business accounts, including credit cards and checking accounts, to effortlessly import transactions. This feature extends to client payments and income, allowing you to smoothly track incoming funds and expenses all within Zena. It offers a straightforward way to monitor your cash flow and maintain your business’s financial health.

Please note: Importing transactions from a linked bank account is not the same as connecting your bank account to use the Zena purchasing card. It will simply allow us to better track your budget and spend as well as help us create visuals to show you where you are at each step in your project.

Only account admins can link personal or business checking accounts and credit cards to Zena. We do not currently support connections to any other types of accounts.

Importing Client Payments from the Project Page

  1. Navigate to Projects on the left navigation bar.
  2. Select the project to which you wish to import your transaction items.
  3. Select Transactions from the top tabs on this page.
  4. Select the Import Transactions button on the right side to open the modal.
  5. From here, you can filter by transaction type, select multiple transactions, or select one transaction at a time to Assign it to the project. 
  6. Once you have selected the transactions you wish to import and assign the line item to this project, click Confirm to add singular transactions or Assign selected transactions for multiple transaction line items.

All payment transactions will appear highlighted in green and have a + next to them to indicate incoming transactions.

When income is added to a project, the graph within the project will update immediately, as will the project budget, to account for the client payment. If you’d like the new payment to no longer count towards the total budget, simply edit the budget within your project settings to reflect your desired budget.

Remove Linked Accounts

For assistance with unlinking your bank account from Zena, please contact our Zena Member Support Team.

If you encounter any issues related to your bank account connection, we recommend initially contacting your bank to inquire about resetting your banking credentials.

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