Projects vs. Business Spend

Zena allows you to track transactions tied to your client projects and your regular business spend. In this article, we'll go over the difference between project and business spend with some examples and best practice scenarios.

If you have not yet connected your business bank account(s) to track in Zena, you'll be prompted to Apply for the Zena Card to track your transactions automatically and/or connect your other business accounts to import external transactions.


Projects can be considered client projects you are currently working on, such as a residential or commercial home, or they can be used to "bucket" specific types of spend. 

The best practice when setting up a Project is to use the virtual card Zena automatically creates to make all purchases related to that project. Doing this allows you to reconcile each transaction made and relate it to that specific client easily. You may also want to tag these purchases as you make them, making sure you can later easily search for the transaction based on the custom tags you've added. 

Business Spend

Business spend allows you to track general expenses related to your company outside your client projects. Business spend could include utility expenses, hosted lunches, or travel expenses not charged directly to the client.

When purchasing items directly for your business, we recommend using your physical Zena card numbers (or swiping the card itself). This makes it easy to identify that the purchase is outside the scope of a client project.

If you need to start immediately, you can create a virtual card while waiting for your physical card to ship. Select Create Card on the top right-hand corner of the Business Spend page. Once the virtual card is created, you can use it immediately for all spend purposes. 

Want to take your virtual card with you? Add it to your Apple Pay or Google Wallet on your phone.


Using the tags provided by Zena will help you organize your transactions. Search transactions later on by tag to quickly reference past purchases. 

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