Creating a Project

Any time you start a new client project, you can create a project in Zena to track spending. If you're not the admin of your Zena account, you might be prompted for the project to be approved by your admin as soon as the project is created.

If you have not yet connected your business bank account(s) to track in Zena, you'll be prompted to Apply for the Zena Card to track your transactions automatically and/or connect your other business accounts to import external transactions.

Create the Project

To get started:

  1. Log in to your Zena account and navigate to the Projects on the left navigation bar..
  2. Select Create Project using the button on the top right-hand side of your screen.

  1. Prompts will appear to name the project, set the budget, add tags for Rooms and Spend Categories, and add team members. (You can edit these details at any time in the Settings tab.)
  2. Use the options on the top left-hand side of your project page to see the project Overview, Transactions, and Settings related to each specific project.

For Zena Card members, once the project is created, you'll see a virtual card that you can use immediately for purchases and instant transaction tracking in your Project.

Project Overview

This page will display the virtual card details created specifically for this project, as well as a visual of the budget status, number of purchases, transactions, total spend, and a description of the project.

The Project Overview page displays a virtual card, budget, and project details

Project Transactions

You can view, edit, and tag all transactions within the project page under the Transactions tab or use the Transactions page to see all transactions from all projects.

As you make purchases with your Zena Card, all transactions will flow automatically into the correct project when using the virtual card created with the project.

View all transactions per project.

Project Settings

You can change your project settings at any time after the project has been created. On this page, you can view the full project details and client details, set or change the project budget, add tags for Rooms and Spend categories, and add team members.

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