Setting a Project to Completed

Each time you sign a new client, you’ll want to open a new project to track your budget, organize purchases, and create your Zena virtual card for spend dedicated to just that client.

At any time, you can freeze your virtual card on the project, or if your project is complete, you can choose to mark that project from Active to Complete.

If you have not yet connected your business bank account(s) to track in Zena, you'll be prompted to Apply for the Zena Card to track your transactions automatically and/or connect your other business accounts to import external transactions.

Completing a Project

To complete a project:

  1. Log in to your Zena account and navigate to the Projects on the left navigation bar.
  2. Click on your Project > select Settings from the menu shown above the project details as shown below.

  1. Use the Project status drop-down menu to select Complete. Selecting this option will auto-save your project and move your project from the Active Projects tab to Completed.

Note: You can move a project from Active to Completed and back to Active at any time.

What happens to the project?

When a project is set to Completed, it will move automatically to your Completed Projects tab and move to your Active Projects view.

Your Zena virtual card tied to the project will still be available for use; however, we recommend freezing or closing the card depending on the project status. If you think you might work with the customer again, freeze the card to be used at another time.

Ready to completely close the project? Simply close the virtual card associated with the project.

When a Zena card is frozen, closed, or when a project has been set to complete, all transactions within the project will remain organized for you within the Project Transactions tab.  

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